Package: BBmisc 1.13

BBmisc: Miscellaneous Helper Functions for B. Bischl

Miscellaneous helper functions for and from B. Bischl and some other guys, mainly for package development.

Authors:Bernd Bischl [aut, cre], Michel Lang [aut], Jakob Bossek [aut], Daniel Horn [aut], Jakob Richter [aut], Dirk Surmann [aut]

BBmisc.pdf |BBmisc.html
BBmisc/json (API)

# Install 'BBmisc' in R:
install.packages('BBmisc', repos = c('', ''))

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10.65 score 20 stars 68 packages 980 scripts 11k downloads 2 mentions 121 exports 3 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:eb18a51d30. Checks:4 OK, 8 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 23 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64NOTEMar 23 2025
R-4.5-mac-x86_64NOTEMar 23 2025
R-4.5-mac-aarch64NOTEMar 23 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEMar 23 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64NOTEMar 23 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64NOTEMar 23 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64NOTEMar 23 2025
R-4.4-linux-x86_64NOTEMar 23 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKMar 23 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKMar 23 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKMar 23 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Check if some values are covered by the range of the values in a second vector.%btwn%
Simply a negated 'in' operator.%nin%
A wrapper to add to the class attribute.addClasses
Parses '...' arguments to a named list.argsAsNamedList
Extracts a named element from a list of lists.asMatrixCols asMatrixRows
Converts a string into a quoted expression.asQuoted
Simple bin packing.binPack
Capitalize strings in a vectorcapitalizeStrings
Wrapper for cat and sprintf.catf
Combine multiple factors and return a factor.cFactor
Check for a function argument.checkArg
Check that a list contains only elements of a required type.checkListElementClass
Chunk elements of vectors into blocks of nearly equal size.chunk
Shortens strings to a given length.clipString
Returns first non-missing, non-null argument.coalesce
Collapse vector to string.collapse
Collapse vector to string.collapsef
Compute statistical mode of a vector (value that occurs most frequently).computeMode
Converts columns in a data frame to characters, factors or numerics.convertDataFrameCols
Conversion for single integer.convertInteger
Conversion for integer vector.convertIntegers
Convert a list of row-vector of equal structure to a data.frame.convertListOfRowsToDataFrame
Converts storage type of a matrix.convertMatrixType
Convert rows (columns) of data.frame or matrix to lists.convertColsToList convertRowsToList
Converts any R object to a descriptive string so it can be used in messages.convertToShortString
Call 'lapply' on an object and return a data.frame.dapply
Deprecated function. Do not use!convertDfCols deprecated listToShortString
Execute a function call similar to ''.do.call2
Drop named elements of an object.dropNamed
Blow up single scalars / objects to vectors / list by replication.ensureVector
Split up a string into substrings.explode
Extracts a named element from a list of lists.extractSubList
Filter a list for NULL valuesfilterNull
Helper function for determining the vector of attribute names of a given object.getAttributeNames
Wrapper for 'class(x)[1]'.getClass1
Get the first/last element of a list/vector.getFirst getLast
Return index of maximal/minimal/best element in numerical vector.getBestIndex getMaxIndex getMinIndex
Find row- or columnwise the index of the maximal / minimal element in a matrix.getMaxIndexOfCols getMaxIndexOfRows getMinIndexOfCols getMinIndexOfRows
Functions to determine the operating system.getOperatingSystem isDarwin isLinux isUnix isWindows
Construct a path relative to anothergetRelativePath
Current time in seconds.getUnixTime
Determines used factor levels.getUsedFactorLevels
Check if given object has certain attributes.hasAttributes
Insert elements from one list/vector into another list/vector.insert
Is return value of try an exception?is.error
Is one / are several files a directory?isDirectory
Is one / are several directories empty?isEmptyDirectory
Conditional checking for expensive examples.isExpensiveExampleOk
A wrapper for 'identical(x, FALSE)'.isFALSE
Are all elements of a list / vector uniquely named?isProperlyNamed
Checks whether an object is a scalar NA value.isScalarNA
Is given argument an atomic vector or factor of length 1?isScalarCharacter isScalarComplex isScalarFactor isScalarInteger isScalarLogical isScalarNumeric isScalarValue
Check subset relation on two vectors.isSubset
Check superset relation on two vectors.isSuperset
Can some strings be used for column or list element names without problems?isValidName
Convert Integers to Stringsitostr
A wrapper for 'library'.lib
Load RData file and return objects in it.load2
A wrapper for 'sort' to sort using the "C" collating rules.lsort
Initialize data.frame in a convenient way.makeDataFrame
A caching wrapper around load2.makeFileCache
Create a progress bar with estimated time.makeProgressBar ProgressBar
Simple constructor for S3 objects based on lists.makeS3Obj
Simple logger which outputs to a file.makeSimpleFileLogger SimpleFileLogger
Replace values in atomic vectorsmapValues
Wrapper for message and sprintf.messagef
Create named list, possibly initialized with a certain element.namedList
Replacement for names which always returns a vector.names2
Normalizes numeric data to a given scale.normalize
Naive multi-start version of 'optimize' for global optimization.optimizeSubInts
Pause in interactive mode and continue on <Enter>.pause
More meaningful 'head(df)' output.printHead
Print 'str(x)' of an object to a string / character vector.printStrToChar
Prints object to a string / character vector.printToChar
Calculate range statistic.rangeVal
Require some packages.requirePackages
Apply function to rows of a data frame.rowLapply rowSapply
Save multiple objects to a file.save2
Generate sequences along rows or cols.seq_col seq_row
A wrapper for 'attr(x, which) = y'.setAttribute
A wrapper for 'class(x) = classes'.setClasses
Wrapper for 'rownames(x) = y', 'colnames(x) = y'.setColNames setRowNames
Set a list element to a new value.setValue
Sort the rows of a data.frame according to one or more columns.sortByCol
Split a path into componentssplitPath
Split seconds into handy chunks of time.splitTime
Wrapper for stop and sprintf.stopf
Repeat and join a stringstrrepeat
Suppresses all output except for errors.suppressAll
Calculates symmetric set difference between two sets.symdiff
Wrapper for system2 with better return type and errorhandling.system3
Convert a numerical vector into a range string.toRangeStr
Apply a function with a predefined return valuevcapply viapply vlapply vnapply
Wrapper for warning and sprintf.warningf
Find the index of first/last 'TRUE' value in a logical vector.which.first which.last